Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Love is All He Needs

Today Bono posted a Bible verse on twitter.
I respect Bono and his tweet sent me down a crazy path of thoughts which eventually had me thinking of the Beatles song that goes, "All you need is love, love, love is all you need." Accompanying that song was an image of a fella that shows up EVERY Sunday for a meal and conversation with the homeless ministry.
Every Sunday he's perfectly nice. Every Sunday, he wants all the food we have left to give him. And, every Sunday he is drunk.

It's hard to really talk to anyone who is inebriated, but every week I see the fellas from our group take turns in spending some time with him. It may seem like a lost cause, but who are we to make that decision? They don't give up on him, just as Christ never gives up on us. Every week they share the good news with him and every week there is the hope this will be the week he hears it.

Here's a video in which Bono reminds us that there are 2003 verses pertaining to the poor. (around 3.14). Bono's passion is for Africa. Mine is for Birmingham but the need is everywhere and in many forms.

Paraphrasing Bono, It's unacceptable not go to the aid of our sisters and brothers. (around 5.20)

* not sure I understand/agree with what he is saying at the end. Can we bring Heaven to this Earth? Don't know, but we can be the hands and feet of Christ's love for us.

Love is all he needs.

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